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For Educators

Online Resources

Play Learning Lab, run by Dr. Angela Pyle at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto, curates play-based activity examples for educators. Dr. Pyle visited UW-Madison in 2020, presenting a workshop for educators and took part in a podcast discussing play.

Math Specific

Development and Research in Early Math Education (DREME) at Stanford is a network conducting early math research and developing materials. DREME TE (Teacher Educators) hosts a collection of research-based materials for early childhood educators to promote early mathematical learning. In 2020 DREME launched its Family Math site and toolkit to support learning at home.

Erikson Institute Early Math Collaborative  conducts research and provides resources for teaching math in early education.

Learning & Teaching with Learning Trajectories (LT) is a tool for early childhood educators to learn about how children think, how children learn about mathematics, and how to teach mathematics to young children. Learning Trajectories is part of the Marsico Institute for Early Learning, University of Denver.

Mathematize Early Math Activity Matrix is a tool for early childhood educators and administrators to sort math activities with education objectives and by activity type.


Exploring Mathematics Through Play in the Early Childhood Classroom, Amy Noelle Parks